
gantry crane

BZ маркийн шалан дээр суурилуулсан гиб кран

  • Lifting Capacity: 0.5-5 ton
  • Lifting Height: 4-10 meter
  • Working Grade: A3
  • Hoisting Speed:  0.8-8 m/min


Floor mounted jib crane is a highly flexible and efficient lifting equipment. The rotary arm is the main component to realize the lifting of the material in the three-dimensional space. The column is the support structure of the whole equipment. This type of jib crane usually uses electric hoist as lifting structure. Users can choose different type of electric hoists to meet various lifting tasks.

It has a wide application range, like manufacturing factory, workshops, warehouses and steel mills, etc.. Normally users put it in the indoors working sites. The main beam lays above the workshop or warehouse, with both ends sitting on columns or metal supports, forming a bridge structure. Taking electric hoist as the lifting mechanism, LD bridge crane could perform lifting missions with good efficiency. It is also easy to control and free of frequent maintenance.


Compared with ordinary bridge and gantry cranes, this type of jib crane has many unique advantages.

  • First of all, it is highly flexible. Jib crane could handle goods in the three-dimensional cylindrical space with the length of the spiral arm as the radius.
  • Secondly, it plays its important part in short distance and intensive lifting occasions and significantly improve work efficiency.
  • In addition, this kind lifting equipment has good safety and stability. Therefore, it can ensure the safe lifting of goods and increase the safety of operators.


Floor mounted jib crane is widely used in material handling places because of its good performance.

On the production line, it can transport goods from one end to the other end to ensure the smooth progress of production. In the warehouse, it can efficiently complete the loading and unloading of goods and stacking. This greatly improves the utilization rate of warehouse space.

In the dock, jib crane could accurately lift the goods from the ship and put them in the designated position to improve the logistics transportation efficiency. During machine tool processing, it can lift the work-piece to the machine tool, but also can lift the finished product to the designated area.

Техникийн параметрүүд

jib crane
Өргөх хүчин чадалTon 3 5
Lifting heightMeter456456
Valid radiusmeter456456
Ажлын систем A3
Slewing angleDegree180,270,360
SpeedLiftingNormal speedM/min8
Slow speedM/min0.8
Slewing speedR/min0.5~1
Traveling speedM/min20
Slewing angleDegree180,270,360
ce certificate

Мессеж үлдээх

Дафанг нь өндөр чанартай гүүрэн кран, гүүрэн кран, жиб краны цахилгаан өргүүр, краны сэлбэг хэрэгслийг нийлүүлдэг. Та доорх маягтыг бөглөнө үү, бид тантай аль болох хурдан холбогдох болно.

Бүртгэлийн менежер


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